Definitely the first post. I believe this is directly competing with foursquare, and I love the way foursquare works. But because this is for free, I am just loving it. This is the reason why I held off signing up for that because I though Weebly will come out in the future. Well the future came.
I wonder though how do they make money. I'm afraid when I click publish I will discover my question. I just hope it does not give me an annoying pop ad to my website when I do click that publish button.
Well, that's my first post. Next time I should be writing about stuff I do. Absolutely about the CR-48 I got from Google. I did have some high praise for this one, and of course some don'ts that definitely is there. So, see you at the next post. Check back soon.
Update 3/19/2011: It turns out, all Weebly does is just put a footer under very page linking you to their website. Brilliant! Just because of that I will buy their paid version once my site is full blown.